Check out our friends who are taking care of the grass around our solar panels! Welcome to Cedar Creek.
Creek will host a bond referendum info session Today!. Look for the games and the Food Truck on the outdoor basketball courts behind the school from 4-7pm, with referendum info presented at 6pm. We can’t wait to see everyone!
Visit Cedar Creek tonight to learn more about our October 6th bond referendum. Learn about all the great potential upgrades to our schools in the PAC at 6pm. Prior to the meeting, you can visit the GEHR food truck or a cheer on our teams! See you tonight!
Join us tomorrow for some food, pre season athletics and a referendum info session - 6pm at Cedar Creek.
Senior portrait info!
GEHR is THRILLED to share that we are continuing to develop our partnership with Stockton University, and want you to "SAVE THE DATE" of Sept 24, 2022 for our first annual Greater Egg Day at Stockton University.
Cedar Creek HS will host a bond referendum info session this Thursday. Look for the games and the Food Truck on the outdoor basketball courts behind the school from 4-7pm, with referendum info presented at 6pm. We can’t wait to see everyone!
Join us on September 1st at 6pm to learn more about the GEHRHSD Bond Referendum and what it means to the schools and community. There will also be pre-season games and the Food Truck.
Come on out to the Creek for our first Pre-SeasonPalooza and check out some of our teams as they get ready for ‘22. Afterwards, stick around for free food and an info session on the 10/6 Referendum vote starting at 6:00. Visit for details!
Welcome Class of 2026...what a great day welcoming our new Pirates!
The next generation of Creek Crazies are in the house today!
Looking forward to welcoming the CCHS Class of 2026 tomorrow for Freshmen Transition Day from 9am-1pm.
The @PressofAC detailed how the time is right for GEHR to pursue improvements with NO debt tax increase. Read about our next steps for student success!
The Welcome Wagon was out on the road tonight welcoming three future Pirates to the Creek Family. Thank you to all those who came out tonight to welcome members of the Class of 2026!
The Class of 2026 is excited to start the year!
Thank you, @renaultwineryresort for the donation of cork the so the Class of 2026 could make Pirate Ships!
Genesis Parent/Student Access is now Available! Please click on the link below for additional information.
Cedar Creek Athletics schedule week of 8/8/22-8/12/22.Football camp kicks off the official start to the Fall sports season on Wednesday!
CCHS athletic calendar for the week of 8/1/22-8/5/22
🩺 Fall registration packets are due 8/1/22
🚧 The main gym is closed for scheduled maintenance, check the link to see if that impacts your practice schedule
Camp Season continues next week at The Creek as Girls Basketball will host 5-8 grade girls looking to get better!