Congratulations to Mrs Sharpe & Mr North who were recognized at tonight's BOE meeting.
almost 2 years ago, Cedar Creek High School
New Episode Alert of The GEHR Podcast! S01E07: 2023 Absegami Teacher of the Year Celene Hiltner Listen directly at: Or any of the following Links: Spotify - Anchor -
almost 2 years ago, GEHRHSD
Nothing like a big old spring pep rally to end the week and welcome a new season! Great work to all in the stands, competing in the games, our dancers, and of course our awesome sports teams! The hype for the T-Shirt cannon was awesome! 🎶 It's a pirate party in the USA! 🎶
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Kuhar
pep rally student council students
student council hype the crowd shot
Congrats Seniors! Spring Pep Rally Plank 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Cedar Creek High School
Annual Spring Dance Showcase 2023. Tonight at 6:30pm. Doors open at 6:00pm. The show will be live streamed
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Tabano
Spring Dance Showcase 2023
Spring Dance Showcase 2023
Congratulations to this outstanding freshman, Markus Polite! He was nominated this week by Mrs. Kuhar. “Markus Polite is a student-athlete who is focused in classroom and on the court. He lives up to his name and is friendly and respectful, and always focused on being the best he can be. Markus approaches challenges with a can-do attitude, and reaches out for help when needed. Markus is a role model to his peers and an awesome member of the class of 2026!” Mrs. Kuhar Great job, Markus! #cchs2026 #cchspirates
almost 2 years ago, Cedar Creek HS
Freshman Friday
All Aboard Adventure Network problem solving!
almost 2 years ago, Mike Gehres
Mr Cohen’s Freshmen class doing some team building/problem solving activities
All Aboard!!
All Aboard!!
All Aboard!!
All Aboard!!
All Aboard!!
All Aboard!!
All Aboard!!
Great presentation by watershed ambassadors presenting to environmental magnet classes and science classes! Kids were able to see what types of macros (macro-invertebrates) compose our water ways and learned how to determine how polluted a watershed can be based on the type of macros present.
almost 2 years ago, Cedar Creek HS
An amazing presentation by watershed ambassadors to our environmental magnet and science classes! The students were able to get a hands-on experience seeing what types of macros (macro-invertebrates) inhabit our waterways and how to determine how polluted a watershed is based on which types of macros are present!
almost 2 years ago, Cedar Creek HS
A BRIGHT showing for Tie Dye Thursday! Way to go Pirates! Tomorrow is the big show: Wear your Class Colors and get ready for our Spring Pep Rally! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ Who will win the plank?? You decide. Freshmen: White Sophomores: Green Juniors: Maroon Seniors: Black
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Kuhar
tie dye
tie dye
Tie Dye Spirit Day is bringing us into Spring like 😎🌸💕🌼🌺
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Kuhar
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
Pirate TV student interviewed transformational speaker Mr. Nate Evans , after he spoke with Creek students on Wednesday. Mr.Evans will be back again on Monday, April 3rd and Tuesday, April 4th.
almost 2 years ago, Christian Monroe
Pirate TV interviewing transformational speaker Nate Evans after he visited with our students on Wednesday!
Pirate TV student interviewed transformational speaker, Mr. Nate Evans after he spoke with some of our student on WednesdayMr. Nate Evans
Your spirit is "tie-dye" for, dah-ling! Way to show your bright colors off today, Pirates! This has been an epic Creek Week and it's not over yet!🌸
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Kuhar
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
tie dye
Join us Friday night, March 31st @ 6:30 PM in the PAC for the CCHS Dance Showcase.
almost 2 years ago, Absegami HS
An impressive showing of creativity, humor and dedication from our Pirates today! Not pictured: all the good sports with "this is a white shirt" index cards on their everyday t-shirts 🤣 Let's do it again tomorrow for Tie-Dye/Bright Color Thursday! Gonna to be a bright day 😎
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Kuhar
white lie
white lie
white lie
white lie
white lie
More white lies! So creative. So good. And that's no lie.
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Kuhar
white lie pd1
white lie chestnut
white lie nurse
Watershed ambassadors presenting to environmental science magnet classes today!
almost 2 years ago, Oakcrest High School
A lot to look forward to this spring at CC including a very talented golf team.
almost 2 years ago, Cedar Creek High School
These people know how to do white lie day!!!
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Kuhar
white lie shirts
white lie shirts
white lie shirts
white lie shirts
white lie shirts
white lie shirts
It's our White Lie Spirit Day here at the Creek! Show us your innocent white lies, Pirates!
almost 2 years ago, Andrea Kuhar
students in white t shirts with innocent lies