Vote Thursday! The bond referendum could bring $21 million in upgrades to Greater Egg high schools with NO increase to the property tax rate. The county has set special locations for this special election. Find your polling location at
Good Morning,
The decision to close Oakcrest High School this morning was made based upon significant electrical outages in the building. These outages, which began yesterday, would have impacted a number of aspects of our school day.
The decision was not made lightly and not without significant attempts to avoid such. We had maintenance staff on-site yesterday and through the night. We had contacted our electric provider for assistance, and they were involved with us overnight and this morning.
Despite these attempts, the building's electrical systems were still not functioning at a level we believed we needed to hold classes. The decision was made since Absegami and Cedar Creek had no issues, that those buildings will "go as normal" today.
Oakcrest will resume tomorrow with a "B DAY", as is scheduled. Additional information will be forthcoming on when we will make this day up for Oakcrest, though we can share at this time it will NOT be any of our scheduled October or November closings.
Thank You,
James Reina - Superintendent
Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School
Thursday’s bond referendum is an opportunity for Greater Egg high schools to make $21M in improvements with NO increase to the tax rate.
Bond Referendum This Thursday! Thursday's Bond referendum is an opportunity for Greater Egg high schools to make $21M in improvements with NO increase to the tax rate.
Good morning. Cedar Creek HS is open today. Oakcrest will be closed due to electrical issues. Again, Cedar Creek is OPEN today.
Oakcrest High School will be closed today, Monday Oct 3rd, due to electrical and weather problems. We will update throughout the day via text, email, and our website.
GEHR. Open Doors for our students.
Greater Egg schools open doors of opportunity for students.
Community partners! Thank you!
Congratulations to Absegami Class of ‘12 alum Morgan Kirner who will appear on Broadway in Merrily We Roll Along starting in November.
Fall Fest!
Fall Fest starts in 1 hour. Something for everyone.
GEHR Podcast - Episode 2 available NOW!!
Listen at:
Today, we sit down with Oakcrest High School Principal Michael McGhee to discuss the fallacy of "Sunday Funday" (01:26), getting sucked into "The Bachelor" (02:30), how ketchup can ruin a honeymoon (04:22), Nutella addictions (05:45), the "Ferris Bueller" corollary (06:35), is cheerleading a sport? (07:20), and why Oak is so strong (08:11). Mr. McGhee also explains what he'd most like parents to know (09:28) and our strong connections with William Davies Middle School (10:25). To join Mr. McGhee's principal's advisory committee, e-mail him @
Students in Honors Commercial Carpentry are building bat houses to help the ‘little brown bat’. Students met with an expert to learn why bats are an important but endangered species and how they can help provide homes for roosting bats, in an effort to protect and conserve!
We are moving most activities inside. The rain won’t stop this party!!!
Enter through the commons.
BIG day at The Creek tomorrow. Football hosts St Joe at 2pm, Girls Soccer hosts OLMA at 4:30 and FALL FEST begins at 5:00pm. Come and and enjoy a great community event. Games, Food, and Fun!
We are moving Saturday’s football game to Friday, 9/30. There are no officials available for a Friday evening game, and as a result, Friday’s game will be played at 2 PM at Oakcrest. The link for the Football game is:
due to the weather forecasts for the weekend the varsity football game is moved up a day to 2pm Friday Sept. 30 at OHS.
Goal Alyssa Iside, Oakcrest Soccer beat Buena 1-0!
Big win For Oakcrest